e-Course Launch
Blueprint With a
Small List

e-Course Launch
Blueprint With a
Small List

Attention Coaches & Service Providers:

You don’t need to wait until you have a huge list to create your eCourse. But you do need to…

Stop Postponing Your Success and Finally
Launch Your Amazing eCourse!

Here’s How—Even With a Tiny List!

Feeling overworked and burned out with 1:1 clients, but don’t know how to fix it?

An eCourse just might be the answer…

Hey there fellow coach!

Here’s an all-too-common dilemma. You’re growing a fantastic business. Clients love you. You’re making an impact on their lives and businesses. But pretty soon you realize…there aren’t enough hours in the day. Your client reach is limited. Your passion to serve is stifled. You simply cannot find the time to help everyone who needs you. Or worse, you wear yourself out with too many client calls and your own social, home and family life begins to suffer.

Sound familiar? It’s something every coach encounters, so you’re not alone. Even better, the solution is simple. ECourses allow you to reach a much bigger audience and help more people.

But if you didn’t prepare for this eventuality by building your mailing list as you were growing your coaching biz, you may be left thinking…

If you’re like most coaches, you have a lot on your plate.

  • Clients to love and support
  • A family and friends to spend time with
  • Your own health and wellbeing to look out for
  • Training and education to improve your coaching skills
  • Other business tasks, such as bookkeeping and social marketing

And somewhere along the way, you’re supposed to be building a list, too?

You’re not to blame if you just haven’t quite got to it yet, but…

I know, I know. The money is in the list. Everyone says so.

And a number of coaches make it look easy. Seems like every email they send results in thousands of sales.

Does that mean there’s no hope for you? Or that you shouldn’t even bother to create an eCourse until you “done your time” in the trenches of massive list building?

Nope. Not even close.

In fact, there are plenty of coaches who will tell you that the size of the list is not nearly as important as the quality of that list. And that when you focus on quality, you can have those same amazing results with your new eCourse.

Of course, it does help to have a plan…


The e-course
Launch Blueprint with a Small List

This easy-to-follow, 4-module course is custom designed to help you move from 1:1 coaching to the much more scalable eCourse model—even if you have a tiny list.

Each module focuses on marketing and list building strategies that work perfectly for coaches and service providers, and that offer a great return on your time investment. Not only that, but we’ll work on growing your list as well, so you can make the most of your efforts and build the business you deserve.

Module one kicks us off by narrowing the focus down to what really works, while eliminating the time-wasters that we can safely ignore.

Module 1:
Getting Your Focus in Focus to
Attract the Right Subscribers

We’re going to start off strong by targeting your efforts to attract the perfect clients, customers and subscribers. You’ll discover…

  • The true value of quality over quantity—you’ll never again let anyone tell you that your list isn’t big enough once you know this.
  • 3 eCourse models that work—and how to choose the right one for your business.
  • 4 questions you must be able to answer before you begin—if you can’t clearly answer these, it won’t matter if your list is large or small—you’ll struggle to make sales.
  • 6 elements of a top eCourse—get this right, and the rest will fall into place naturally!
  • How to prime your subscriber base with a juicy incentive that will pave the way for sales of your eCourse.
  • How to choose the right incentive—compare your options with a handy list of benefits.
  • How to setand achieve—your launch goals—do this, and you’ll instantly feel more powerful in your business.

Module 2:
Taming the Tech—Quick & Easy
Set-Up and Tracking

Once you’ve decided on the purpose of your eCourse and started thinking about your marketing, it’s time to create the infrastructure. This is where a lot of coaches get stuck, but module 2 walks you through it with:

  • 5 must-have tools—without these, you won’t be able to sell or deliver your eCourse, so don’t skip this part!
  • 8 pieces to create before you can call your eCourse complete—including 2 you probably haven’t even considered.
  • The 4 parts of a beautifully designed landing page—don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you might think!
  • 4 places to post your sign-up buttons—if you’re putting all your efforts into your landing pages, you’re missing out on 3 other profitable channels!
  • 2 must-have landing pages—and why you should never take the easy way out with these.
  • The dead-simple way to take payments for your eCourse—even if you think you have zero tech skills.
  • How to track your click-throughs and conversion rates using the most powerful (and FREE) tool in your arsenal.
  • The easy-peasy way to share video—without showing it to the whole world via YouTube.
Tech issues are what holds most creative coaches back.

Thanks to module 2, you’ll easily clear these hurdles and be ready to move on to…

Module 3:
Getting the Ball Rolling and
Picking up Momentum

This is where you really start to see results. In this module, we’ll start to build a buzz about your new eCourse and get your current and even future subscribers excited about it.

  • 3 easy ways to give people a taste of what’s to come—do this right, and they’ll be beating down your door to buy the second you launch.
  • How to use quizzes to keep your subscribers interested—and for powerful intel into their biggest needs.
  • How to choose the right social channels—and how to avoid the number one mistake that will cause you to waste time (and won’t earn you any sales).
  • Top 3 reasons people open emails—and none of them have to do with clever subject lines.
  • How to write emails your subscribers really want to read—when you nail this trick, selling is a breeze.
  • How to use your email goals to create the right message at the right time—get this one thing right, and your subscribers will love you.
  • 6 killer social strategies that work to drive traffic, build a buzz, and ultimately make sales.
  • 8 pre-launch mistakes to avoid—including one nearly everyone makes!
  • How to create a workable launch schedule—you don’t want to be rushed, but don’t drag it out either. I’ll show you what works.
By the time you’ve worked through week 3, you’ll have a list of viable coaching programs, a feel for your ideal client, and a plan to test your ideas against a live audience of interested buyers. Now it’s time to market your new business, with…

Module 4:
Becoming a Launch Pro by
Leveraging the Right People

Sure, you can build & launch your eCourse all by yourself, but why would you when it’s so easy to call on your friends and colleagues for help? In module 4, we’ll go over all the details to make your launch day a rousing success, including…

  • The single best place to find and connect with powerful partners—in fact, you probably already know some of them!
  • The inexpensive (and massively powerful) advertising network you must be using—and how to solve the most common tech issues that might make you feel overwhelmed before you can even begin.
  • Where to find inspiration for your ads—and how to use your new swipe files to tame the confusion.
  • How to know when it’s time to call in the reinforcements—we all like the DIY approach, but knowing when you’re in over your head will dramatically ease your stress levels.
  • How (and why) to create a “street team”—you can save a lot of time and money with this fun strategy.
  • How to take your blog on the road—and what this powerful marketing technique can do for an up-and-coming coach like you.
  • 3 steps to getting interviewed—land a few coveted spots on today’s top podcasts, and you’ll sell more eCourses than you ever thought possible.

How to make the most of your growing mailing list—so you make your next eCourse launch even smoother!

Stop Putting Off Your Success Just Because
You Have a Small List!

Look. Every successful coach started right where you are. Every single one built their subscriber list from one too many thousands, and you can, too.

But what those other coaches did not do is wait for the perfect time to launch their eCourse. Because there is no perfect time. There is right now, and there is never, and only you can decide which it’s going to be.

Don’t let the excuses hold you back.

This course is the answer. It will show you, step-by-step, exactly what you need to do to finally create and launch your eCourse, even if your list is small.

Stop setting for less, and start attaining your goals, for your business, and for your life.