New Boundaries = Healthier Relationships “People only treat YOU how YOU allow them too” ~ Latrece W. McKnight All relationships need boundaries to remain healthy. Consider there are certain things you discuss with your best friend that you’d never discuss...
Think you don’t have time to create an eCourse? Think again. Many of the courses you’ve seen for sale—or maybe even purchased—were created in a single day. For savvy business owners, creating a new course is just a matter of putting the pieces together. If you’ve been...
Video? Audio? Written? Live? When it comes to creating course content, you have a dozen or more options, and all of them are useful in their own way, so how can you choose? There are three primary considerations. Your Buyer Chances are, your ideal client has a clear...
Tell me if this sounds familiar. You begin to write a blog post, and before you know it, your “quick update” has turned into a rambling, 3,000 word novelette that covers everything from where to find a graphic designer to how to design a business card. Now, a...
Here’s the number one question I hear—not only from new product creators, but even from seasoned business owners: “How do I find a good idea?” What they really mean, of course, is “How do I find an idea that will sell?” No one wants to spend days or weeks or more...
If there’s one thing that holds promising entrepreneurs back from launching their business, it’s this: a lack of confidence in their products. Sure, you think that new course or workshop is a great idea, but how do you know it will sell? Imagine spending weeks or even...
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